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Effective Steps You Can Take to End the Prohibition of Cannabis

captl.jpgFirst and foremost, establish a relationship with your elected officials – at the federal, state and local levels. Educate them on the issues – whether your issue is medical marijuana or legalization of Cannabis in general, you can provide your legislators and their staff with current information from some of the great organizations listed on our “Blogroll”.

When they vote on your issue, let them know what you think – be it praise or critisism. Your representatives job is to listen to you and act on your behalf if possible. Also, ask your friends to do the same – Set up phone/e-mail “trees” to spread information and bring citizen power to bear.

* Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper – Start a Discussion! *

* Join internet forums on your Issue of Passion – Spread the Truth! * 

There are three major issues being brought before Congress in 2008 involving Cannabis and medical marijuana, both in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate:

HR 5842 – the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act – Introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R) TX and Rep. Barney Frank (D) MA on April 17, HR 5842 would allow doctors to prescribe Medical Cannabis and protect patient rights in legal medical marijuana states. Ask your representative to co-sponsor this essential legislation.

Also introduced on April 17th by Rep. Frank is H.R. 5843 -“Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults“, which would remove penalties at the federal level only for “(1) possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana and (2) the not-for-profit transfer of one ounce (28.3 grams) of marijuana. Additionally, this legislation would provide for a civil penalty of $100 for the public use of marijuana”.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) has tools to inform your legislator of your position on this important legislation in the U.S House.

And your U.S. Senator needs to hear from you, too. A lawsuit has been filed to end the government’s monopoly on Cannabis for medical research as the DEA refuses to abide by the ruling of its’ own law judge – recommending that Dr. Lyle Craker of the University of Mass at Amherst be allowed to grow medical grade Cannabis and begin FDA-approved trials into its’ efficacy. The Senate can exercise its’ jurisdiction over HHS and the DEA and end the blockade on Cannabis research in this country.

America’s “Founding Fathers” warned us that the government will always encroach upon the liberty of the people and that it is our duty as free citizens to stand up for our God-given rights. Do your duty and insist that your elected officials abide by their sacred oaths to protect the Constitution and the people.

“The ground of liberty is to be gained by inches, and we must be contented to secure what we can get from time to time and eternally press forward for what is yet to get. It takes time to persuade men to do even what is for their own good.” – Thomas Jefferson


  1. I am a member of prolegal an NGO in Uruguay.
    We have videos of global marihuana march of Montevideo.

    If you want to enter into

    Greetings and thanks

    • B D
    • Posted August 3, 2008 at 4:54 pm
    • Permalink


    I am a vet with is a disgrace that all veterans are at risk of being destroyed by laws forbidding us from a plant that works as medicine.we did what we had to do when we went to war for the same Government that provides us with NICOTINE.The most addictive drug know to mankind and will not let us to decide what medicine that helps our ptsd conditions that the same government help create.
    count the blessing if you live in a state that you have access to med-mj.While so many of us suffer not being able to risk finding it and risking being set-up
    while doing so.How does a person contact cannabis-tv at an email address ?

    Peace & Karma

    • c s lehew
    • Posted August 23, 2009 at 9:49 pm
    • Permalink

    my frist mesage didnt come out right someone with cancer in the breast and my self i belive what u now can save her from a lot dr guess work and torcher they do is wrong. my self i have had two hartacks and eight strocks two because of a graet dr cold turkey me on morphine but that is ok to do to someone after being on four two years. i have nine disc gone in my back two dr said i would never walk agian . iam still walking and it isnt because of there meds. but i would love to quit taking there meds for good. its been hell sents 03 08 89. pleaes help .i have had enough practicing medcine on me

    • doug honeycutt
    • Posted August 29, 2009 at 1:59 pm
    • Permalink

    I would like to express my veiws regarding Senator Ted Kennedy’s support for cannabis medical research. I would say that the Senator was probably the most reasonable and effective example of how political figures such as he can change the uncivilized actions of those who represent a selfish and cruel, dictatatorial attitude towards the American people and the rest of the civilized world. We shall all miss Ted Kennedy but we must carry on and make certain that his efforts were not wasted. Do you think that Ted Kennedy was satisfied with USA certified medicine?

    • jerry
    • Posted October 20, 2009 at 11:25 am
    • Permalink

    I want to grow medical marijuana how do i get licensed in the state of michigan

  2. i just watched your story on TV. what makes me mad is that elected officials are elcted by us and should only ever act in our best interest, they hide their power behind a protect and serve badge to justify marginalizing anything that they disapprove of as being in the public interest, the tail is wagging the dog! well done to you. I’d be pleased to buy your product and be happy to share it with my family and friends, if I could!

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